About Rhythm City
A fresh take on musician searches
Rhythm City is a community site connecting local musicians and bands. We understand it can take weeks, even months, to find the perfect fit for your band or project so we take a completely fresh view to listings. We aim to keep your ad on the front page until you are no longer looking
How does that work?
Posts the site are ordered by "engagement" with the most active and most engaging posts at the top, and posts that have little love or the poster has stopped responding towards the bottom - and eventually removed completely. There are many ways you can keep this score high and keep your advert on the front page in front of people, potentially indefinitely. These include
Reply to your messages Every time you reply to a new message your ad gets bumped up the page - so don't ignore people who get in touch with you! A simple "sorry but no thank you" is more polite than outright ignoring somebody's message. We highly encourage you to provide negative responses when you are not interested and we will promote your ad more if you do. Note: this does not apply to spam/abuse*
Writing a high quality post The more descriptive you are about what you are looking for, the more likely you will be to attract the perfect people.
Including links to your music We provide boxes when creating your post for links to Facebook, YouTube, Soundcloud and others. Use these to add links to complement your ad. The more you provide, the longer we will keep your ad on the site.
Simply visiting Lastly, every time you visit the site while logged in we assume this is because you are still looking and we will bump your adverts up.
*We do have spam filters, but if you receive a message you perceive to be spammy please report it and your ad will be unaffected. If you receive any message you perceive as abusive please report it without delay so we can take action.
Why Can I Only Select London?
Sites like this are only valuable if enough people use them, so for now at least, we are limiting posts to London and surrounding areas. This also helps keep costs down. Remember - we don't run paid advertising so maintenance costs are really important to us. If you like the site and want to help out then please get in touch by emailing info@rhythm.city.